Serendipity: “An unplanned, fortunate discovery”
Serendipity is one our favorite words. The secret ingredient to the greatest artistic masterpieces and inventions, the unsung hero of science and business; bridging the gap between preparation and good luck, cynical experience and naive optimism, serendipity is the most important tool in the entrepreneurial toolbox.
Serendipity is also the motto by which we operate. At Tari we celebrate passion, energy, and the quirks of human nature that lead to the happy accidents that set in motion big change, and we are striving to build an organization that brings out the best of these qualities in ourselves and others. More than money or impact statistics, we follow commitment, empathy, and purpose. We follow people, and strive to build our business around these bright spots of human connection.
The Practical Part…
First and foremost, Tari promotes, designs, & implements regenerative agriculture systems. We do this not only because its a great way to tackle climate change and ecological degradation, but also because its a great way to live. We don’t believe that sustainability is a zero-sum choice between happy living and a healthy planet…
The different components of our global food systems are fundamentally interconnected, from the way food is grown all the way to how that food is eaten. We try to tackle every aspect of regenerative food, including and especially developing business models that make farmers money and bring financial sustainability over the long-term.
Quality Over Quantity
Tari is dedicated to finding individuals who are already committed to a regenerative purpose - individuals who are determined to generate positive change with or without us - and supporting them in realizing their ambitions. For any given project, we would rather focus our resources on the 10 most passionate and dedicated farmers & entrepreneurs than on the 1000 without real commitment. These are the keystone individuals who generate real & lasting change over the long term because, at the end of the day - when you take away the qualifications, the funding, & the marketing - it is attitude and energy that bring vision to life.
Tari always strives to co-create projects with on-ground partners who are integrated with local communities and know their regions best. We recognize that when it comes to sustainability, there are no copy and paste solutions: every region and context brings its own opportunities. For this reason, our primary goal is to empower our partners and prepare the way for others: Cooperation, not Competition.